Sprinkles:The Wit and Wisdom of CupCakes

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Dancing With the Stars: The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread

Last night, after a fabulous diner at THE HUNGRY CAT, a small but delicious east coast fish market style restaurant, my good friend and I decided that seeing as how it was only 9:30pm we would continue our evening at Privilege. I had never been before but we were pretty sure that because it was so early (no one goes out to a club before 11pm here for some fucked up masochistic reason) it would be empty, but what the hell we would give it a try anyhow. I pull my death trap of a vehicle into the valet and hop out. Sure enough the place is totally dead. As we stand there pondering where else to go one of the valets approached me, pointed to my headlight (which hangs off just a bit) and says “You know about the damage you have right?” I looked at him with a blank stare. Who was this jack ass? Was I getting looked down on by the valet? I could not believe it! I quickly got back in the car with Jaymee and left. Screw them. Yes, I am aware that my car is a piece of shit, but it’s my piece of shit – you overweight illegal immigrant asshole!

Continuing on, determined to find some fun somewhere in this shithole of a city, we headed to Tropicana at The Roosevelt. With the premiere across the street for Jessica Simpson’s new film (if you can call it that) we thought it might be a good spot. Once again, we were wrong, but with not many other options we went with it anyways. A little tipsy at this point, from the two glasses of wine (mind you we only had oysters and soup in our bellies) we were desperate for a cigarette, and I was out. After finally snagging cigs from a nice woman at a table we were saved. We drank a bit more and talked with our new smoking buddies (really only staying at the table for smokes and drinks) before retiring for the evening. Or so I thought.

I arrived home at 1am, with a definite drunk stagger, and flipped on my television to see what I had tivo’d when I found what has to be the GREATEST TELEVISION SHOW EVER CREATED, DANCING WITH THE STARS! I had seen a bit of it from pervious seasons but when I saw who the contestants where, it was as though the God himself and handpicked them just for me!

SO there I sat on my couch watching as Joey Lawrence, AC Slater, Jerry Springer, my boy Emmett Smith and that haggard hoe Vivica Fox made me laugh my ass off! Could there be anything better! OF COURSE THERE CAN – THE RESULTS SHOW – TONIGHT 8PM!


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